
仕事します.特に時間のかかる遊び行為を一切凍結します.さすがに全部ヤメというの はあまりにきついので時々突発的に凍結解除しますが,その予定は全く決まって いません.だからスケジュールなんて嫌いなんだよ,俺は.


ようごしゅう | このうたなぁに? | その2



11月: 前半 博士取得のための手続き,20 Deadline of INTERACT 2001 Paper, 24 62回IPSJ全国大会申込締切(出したい)

12月: 3 酒,10ごろ 博士論文締切,16 クリスマスライブ(絶対無理;_;),29-30 冬 (とてつもなく微妙),末 博士論文公聴会(予定),脱イベンター宣言解除予定日

1月: 中 最終諮問


きょうのばんめし: いんすたんと

返事がない場合はキャンセルとなりますがよろしいでしょうか? > 某大学

6時起床.6時半ぐらいまで布団のなかでうだうだしてるのはいつものこと. ニュースはすでにあんまり地震の話をしていないんで無茶な被害は出てなかった のだろう.安心.ちなみに若葉荘も被害はありません.地震と雷は経験したから, あとは火事と親父(ぉ

というわけで出勤.バスの中で,マルチのキーホルダーをぶら下げたウチ短大 付属高校の制服を着た女の子を見かける.っていうか,マルチかい(^^;.あまりに もそぐわないような気がしたので何度か確認したがやっぱりマルチだったと思う. あの髪の色と耳と制服の色からすればまず間違いない.うーん,まあいいか(^^;. 元ネタを知っているのかどうかは定かではないが,一応高校生が18推のゲームを やってたらどうかと思うよ.いや,PS 版なのかもしれないのであんまり突っ込むと ヤブヘビかもしれないけど.ていうかさっさと仕事行け(^^;.

チェックもそこそこに講義.先週休んでた学生が今週なにもできないとかって 文句を言ってやがるんで「そんなんお前が悪いんじゃ」とおもわず怒鳴りかけた. ていうか,金払って講義受けさせてもらってるくせにそういう態度よくないね… 金払って受けさせてもらってるなんて思ってないか(^^;.結局終わってからしっかり 20分ばかり先週のおさらいをやる.でもきっと来週になったら覚えてないだろうな. ほぼ丸暗記しようとしてたしな.ていうか Web ページの作り方なんて丸暗記して どーすんの?

ていうのは俺の教え方が悪いのかもしれないのだが,そもそも Web ページなんて のは「情報を発信/提供したい」という意志がないと作ってもしゃーないわけで. そういう意志のない(どっちかというともらう一方の)女子大生たちに「今後役に たつから作り方覚えとけ」ったってわかってくれっこないよなぁ.

でも俺達が学生のころを思い出してみると,人のことなんて当然言えないことに すぐに思い当たる.だって俺だって単位の為だけに講義受けたことけっこうあるし, そんな講義の内容はもちろん今やすっかり忘れてる.それをダメだと切り捨てていい ほど単位万能主義の今の大学は簡単じゃないしねぇ.だからこそ社会に出るとちっと も使えない奴らが増えることになっちゃうわけなんだが.アメリカみたいに,「普通 は」単位が落ちるような難易度にするほうが高等学術機関としてはいいんじゃない かね,やっぱり.

来年度の非常勤もやりたいです,とお伺いを立てておいて大学に戻る.あれ, 今日もウチのボスは休みですかい?

事務のおねいさんとサシで昼飯食いに行ったあと,発連 2 発で今日は終了. あわててサボっていた日記を埋める.はやく埋めないと忘れる(^^;.



きょうのばんめし: NT めっちゃおおもり

そういえば何故英語の日記をやめたか書いてない.なんでかというと,邦訳を つけるぐらいならそもそも日本語で書いた方が早いと判断したからと,英語で 書いてるとサボってしまって日記にならないから(^^;.また来月から英語にする かも知れません.またサボるでしょう(苦笑)

英語の論文のほうももういい加減サボりつづけるわけにもいかないので,続きを 埋めはじめる.実際はサボってるわけじゃなくて,発表練習とか TA とかでしっかり 仕事しすぎてエネルギー減少してただけなのよね.というわけでもうそろそろそっち では楽させてもらってこっちにエネルギーを傾注しよう.今日だけでほぼ 1P 作る. このペースならたぶん今週中に全部…金曜土曜日曜全部含めれば…第一版ができそう な雰囲気だ.うむ.

PBL4.我らが藤本先生の発表マシンの準備をするのは発表時刻2分前ぐらい. そりゃ間に合わんてばさ.というわけでどたばた準備する.ウチ研のチームは やる気は十分あるらしいが,どうもやはり実験や演習と重なってこれだけの仕事 をさせるとなるととんでもなく忙しいのだろう.あっちこっちから不平の声がたら たらである.来季からはもう少しマシになるでしょう…その声が頭のカタいおエラ さんに届けば…ね.

仕事をして充実した気分のまま帰宅.風呂に入りつつ洗濯.洗濯物が外に干せ ない.湿っぽくないか? と言われるが,湿っぽさより冷気の方が危険である. 洗濯物は俺の寝ている真上に干してあるため,気化熱を奪われた冷たい空気 が,その物理的法則にしたがって低い方すなわち顔の上などに垂れてくる.その 冷気がものすごく寒いのだ.24 時間もすれば風通しのいい若葉荘のこと,すっかり 乾燥してしまうので気にならなくなるが,それまでは,もう.

25 時 45 分ごろ,地震で目覚める.鳥取の時より揺れた.26 時まで待って最大 震度が 5 弱なのを確認して寝る.もっとどかんと揺れたかと思ったんだが…東海方面 だし.あれで伊豆沖とかだったら…東京沈没してるわな(^^;.


きょうのばんめし: のみ


というわけで散髪して実家から脱出.豊中駅で連れと合流するも,手頃な ラーメン屋が見当たらずマクドることに.晩飯に賭ける.

晩飯はいつものみせ…のとなりで 2 階にある店.もっとうすぎたなくていい感じ の店かと思ったんだが,けっこうこざっぱりしてて当てが外れる(笑).並んでいる 商品はまあまあいい感じである.久々に地酒を何種類かあたる.男山の純米吟醸とか. ううむ,もうちょっと辛いのが欲しかった気もするなぁ.で,散々飲み食いして 一日遅れの誕生日を祝う.ていうかいつもとあんまり変わらんかったな(^^;. まあ,いつもとあんまりかわらんのがいいところだといえばいいところと言えん こともないな…平穏無事が幸せ.

とかいいつつ飲みすぎた上にまだ帰ってから発泡酒なんざ飲んだりなんかした もんだから頭ががんがんいってたりしながら寝る愚かな俺様(苦笑).それにしても 今夜も冷えるのぉ.


きょうのばんめし: にく


今日は連れの誕生日である.10時半起床.まずアニメイトへ行く.頼まれ物の CD を予約したりチケットをゲットしたついでにマール王国 2 + 1 と天河の 22 を 購入して速攻帰宅…の前にミスドでドーナツを買う.夕方までまったりした後 実家に帰宅.甥の顔を見に行くため.巨人優勝する.甥は体重はちいいさかったが 元気そうだ.繰り返すが,連れの誕生日である.



きょうのばんめし: のみ


今日も教授は不在である.最近忙しいようなのだが,これじゃ全然指導 でけてへんやんかという不安がとてつもなく肥大する今日このごろ.俺の論文 のチェックしてる暇できるんだろうか? …その前に論文書け? ごもっとも(汗).

今日は今日とて発表練習 2 発.ウチ的には論文紹介な発表練習ははじめてなので, けっこう勝手が分からなかったりする.んー,それにしても今年は(,と毎年言って いるのではないかと思うが)発表準備が遅い気がする.まだ締切までは確かに時間が あるのだが,今年みたいに 12 名もの院生の発表練習をチェックするなんてことは これまで経験ないし,どうしても早め早めに攻めておきたいんだが,発表者の方が 余裕ぶっこいている(みたいな)ので,なかなかうまくいかず.困ったのぉ.

あした誕生日の連れが帰って来たので飲みに行く.まだいつもの店は復活してい ない.いつ戻って来るだろうか….とりあえず適当に飲み食いして帰って寝る.


きょうのばんめし: イソスタントスパゲティ


何の発売日って,マール 2 たす 1 と天河の 22.天河伝説殺人事件じゃない ぞ(わかってるって).


3 ゼミ.今回の学生はやる気があるのがよい.下手だけど(笑).まあ下手なの は慣れれば上手くなるということなので,ぜんぜんおっけーである.逆は激しく 困る.モチベーションは教育でどうにかなるもんでもないからである.

そして PBL 2.資料を忘れて何も出来ない,ということは,この時間は無為に 過ごさなければならない,ということだけではなく,締切までの作業時間が大幅に 減少することでもある,ということは分かってるんだろうか.ていうか常識レベル でほんの少し頭を働かせればわかるんだが…責任感なさすぎである.自分一人の 仕事でそういうポカやって評価が悪くなるのは知ったこっちゃないが,PBL は あくまで共同作業である.気を付けるように.ていうか,PBL って単位落ちない, ってタカ括ってるやついっぱいいるみたいなので,出来の悪いの落とすようにした ほうがいいだろうなぁ,多分.どの講義も.必修だから云々ではなくて.

発連 2 発.次回に期待.ていうか,バックボーンの説明は短く,自分のやった ことをはっきり詳細にっていうのはアピールとして常識中の常識じゃないんか? まあ,そもそも自分のやった仕事がむっちゃ少ない場合は致し方ないんだけどさ (わら

ああ今日も自分の仕事をしていないなあと感じつつ帰宅してしかもげーむやって る俺が人の指導なんてしてていいもんかどうかという気もしなくもないが,俺は 俺でぎりぎりいつまでにはやらんといかん,という区切りを把握しているつもり なのでそれでいいのだ.今回の仕事は失敗しても被害受けるのはオレだけだし.


きょうのばんめし: がすとだったっけな


昨日が祟って 10 時起き.遅いじゃん.

教官不在.発表練習 2 発ぐらい.

いきなり菊池志穂の FC 解散の旨連絡があった,という連絡があった. 何があったか知らないが,ちょいといきなり過ぎやしませんか.というわけで 仕事してる気にもなれずダッシュで帰宅する.帰ったからどうというわけでも ないんだが,うちに届いた会報(についてた書面)を眺めて実感を新たにする. 今回は「心配をかけますけど」という文面があるということは,何か心配する ような事情でもあるんだろうかと変に勘ぐったりしなくもない.葉書一枚で しまいとか,そういうのではなく,わざわざ(コピーとは言え)書面を準備した っていうことは,それなりの覚悟があったんだろうといえなくもない.だって, 事務所移籍というオオゴトでさえ FC には何も書面連絡しなかったというのに, 今回はこれ,なわけである.

役者としてどうあるかと FC の存在とどう関係があるかぜひとも聞いてみたい 気がする.FC があったからって演技が下手になる分けでもあるまいし,仕事が こなくなるわけでもなかろうし,余計ファンからの声が聞こえなくなるだけじゃ ないんか,とか思わなくもないし.まあ,ファンは好きで踊ってるから良いです けど,世の中そんな濃い(かつ,わかってくれる)ファンばかりではない…こと ぐらいわかってるか.蛇足.

豊中のたいとーにも新曲登場.TDP あたりが楽しくてよいかな…とおもいきや, そうでもなかった.なんていうか,今回の足はいまひとつなのが多い気がする. 難しい分けじゃないけど踊って楽しむには完成されすぎてるというか.


October 24th(Tuesday)/cloudy

Today's supper: Instant menu at labo.


6 時起床でいつも通り出勤.今日の仕事は HTML のお勉強.お勉強ったって, まだ大したことはできなかったりするんだけどね(笑).複雑なことはそのうち… やるのか?

あんまり前準備はしなかったが時間ぎりぎりまでやってしまう分量になって しまったので学校に戻る時間がやや遅くなる.遅くなったとはいえ,特段火急的 にやらないかん仕事ってない…ことはないんだよなぁ(笑).

4 時間目はプログラミング B 演習.質問がちょこちょこ出るが,基本的には 「どこから手を付けたら良いかわからん」という感じ(^^;.まあ,理屈や理論は やるけど,それを実際どうやってカタチにするか,ということは講義では全然 おしえてくれへんからなぁ.そういう講義やろうぜ.ってのはなんか過去に日記 で何度も書いたような気がしなくもない(笑).


突然何を思ったか「神来」を買ってしまう.ファミ通では相当悪い点数を つけていたゲームなので全然期待してなかったのだが,よそうよりもはるかに 面白い,というか,ストレスを感じないことが判明.たしかにランダムエンカウント は「お前アホか」というほど発生するが,一回の戦闘で入力するコマンドは少ない し(下手するとコントローラ触らなくてもいい)終了までの時間はスピーディだし なのであんまり気にならなかったり.魔法のエフェクトが馬鹿みたいに長いのは 最近の流行りらしいので何も言わないけど.

ただ,ウリにしている WILL と MIND システムは全然わからない. はっきり能力や行動に見える形で表現されてこないんで,なんで存在しているのか 理解に苦しむ.ゲージだけ見えててもしかたないんだけど.TLS じゃあるまいし.


October 23rd(Monday)/rainy

Today's dinner: at "Kusa" the Restaurant

Wake up at 6am and go sleeping again :)

Get up at about 10am. Of course I go to our university. Monday is a little sad day. Don't you think so?

2nd Subject is W team's meeting. The system they research is now working on Soralis OS. Prof. Hagihara the Boss say we should change the OS to Linux. However (perhaps he doesn't know that changing OS is very hard work because he have never change OS by himself), Mr. Hayami the team leader of W team want not to change. A main part of his research is not changed whichever OS he and his members use. At last, Prof. Hagihara's power of speech wins Mr. Hayami's.

3rd subject is PBL4. Today is the presentation day of "the new idea of services with cellular phones". We watch 3 teams' presentations. Their ideas may exist I feel. There are no ideas special such that people haven't know yet. In other words, their ideas has little dreams. It maybe natural because the dicision of using cellular phones limits the range of ideas, but I think there will be strange and interesting ideas more.

4th subject is Programming B for 1st grade students. this term's report requires making some specifications about a given question. Since today almost of them haven't write the documents of specification yet, so they don't understand what work they shall do. In fact, at the class of Programming B the teacher doesn't teach how to write documents and how to construct programs. I think there must be the class teaching them.

5th subject, the presentation training by Mr. Yamasaki. Speech is not bad but the contents is so little that he lacks some important contents about his work.

Mr. Mori, graduated last year from our laboratory, comes here. He works the same company as anth works so he comes with him. We go eating to Kusa the Restaurant.

October 22nd(Sunday)/rainy at night

Today's dinner: drinking

Wake up at 10am, watching TV shogi tournament. when ends, I go to our labolatory to work. After all, I go drinking with a friend of mine.

October 21st(Saturday)/cloudy

Today's dinner: in marriage party

Get up at 10am. too long sleeping...

Today is the day of the marriage party of Mr. Fujimoto The Teacher. I change my clothes to the suits, and get off my room.

First I go to Animate in Kawanishi to reserve a certain CD with a ticket of an event, which one of my friends ask me to get. For a long time I have not been to Animate I feel. After the work is done, I go th ROUND1 the bowling game building to play dancing - not bowling:). I hear some new songs are released for DDR4th, and I see the new ones here. These musics are nice and catchy, but steps are very flat, not so funny. More difficult steps can be made, however, the new players may prevent these new songs or entire games of DDR. KONAMI suggests that is not good.

Eating a shrimp burger in Lotteria, I go to Umeda, the central city of Osaka. I search the church and find very easily. This church is surrounded in the forest of high buildings like expensive hotels, department stores and so on. I reach there very early. I talk with the bride's young brother standing aside of me.

Indeed, I have one work at the marriage celemony. In Catholic style, there are the scene of "praying together",which is that the people at the celemony say something together and pray. I think this scene is the a kind of vow, in order that people makes the vow tightly. Then, my work is the speech of one sentences before saying together. I am fammiliar with speaking before many people, on the speech table, but the failure of me will break the celemony. I am a little nervous.

As I have never join the marriage celemony in church, the experiences in the celemony are very interested on me. My speech is not failed, and the celemony is end happily. We throw some petals of blooms to the new couples. I am a little unhappy that the bride doesn't throw her bouchet to the crowds like I expected before.

The marriage party is held after the celemony. The advance is not good because the chairs make a plan of the advance in a hurry yesterday.

Some fellow and I go to the 2nd stage of party. I get back my room with almost no money. Hmm, Can I live until the weekend!?


今日は藤本先生の結婚式ということで,まじめな服に着替えて出撃.まずは たのまれごとのあったアニメイト川西へ.いやー,メイトなんてひさしぶりだわ. で,そのあと ROUND1 でボーリング…じゃなくて DDR.新曲をやってみる. 曲は良いんだが足はおもしろくない.まああんまり難しくしたところで客足が遠 のいちゃ意味ないもんなぁ.

んでもってロッテリアのエビバーガで昼飯にしたあと梅田へ.指定された教会は ビル群のどまんなかに立っていたり.ようこんなとこで生き残ってたなぁ.あんまり はやく来すぎたんで,隣に立っていた新婦の弟さんと話をしていたり.

そうそう,じつは結婚式に当たり大役を仰せつかっているのだ.「共同祈願」とか いう参加者みんなでお祈りをするというシーンがある.まあこれはいわゆるキリスト 教的契約を強固にすべく行われるんだと思うんだけど,その時にみんなで喋る台詞 に先だって,なんぞ述べるという仕事をひきうけていたのだ(もちろん原稿はあるん よ).いかな人前に立って喋るのには慣れてるとはいえ,一発しくるとエライコトに なるこの場面だと多少なりとも緊張するのよね(^^;

なんてこと言っているあいだに結婚式は,私の台詞も含めつつがなく終了:). おいら的には教会での結婚式なんざはじめてだったので,いろいろ興味ぶかいこと をお勉強できて収穫大でありまする.花なんか撒いてみたり.そういえば花嫁が ブーケを投げるというシーンは見られなかったなぁ.残念.なんでだろ.

で,披露宴.司会がヘタヘタだったのは準備が唐突だったかららしいんだが, まあそれはそれでいいでしょう.終わったら一部のメンツで 2 次会.終わって帰って みるとサイフが空だ.これからどうしよう(汗)

20th October (Friday)/fine

Today's supper: a rice ball

Get up at 10am. because tired yesterday, I get up rather late.

Very luxury you may say, but the sheet of the bullet train is not fit for me so that I feel tired very much. Before, in some cases using the bullet train I had a headache the next day.

Today I have two meetings in plan, but those are put off as Prof. Hagihara is absent from school by his fever. So, I have only one presentation training today.

Getting back my room, One of my friends ask me writing the translation with this English diary (of course in Japanese). So I also write the almost same contents of Japanese translation with it.

10時起き.昨日疲れた分だけ目覚めが遅かった模様.ていうか, そもそも新幹線の座席って疲れるんすよね(ゼイタクモノ,という声が聞こえて きそうだが).どうもあの椅子は俺には合わないらしい.

今日はミーティングが 2 発ある予定だったのだが,うちのボスが熱出して 休んだため両方とも延期.とりあえず発表練習が 1 件のみ.

「英語の日記読むの大変だから日本語も併記してほしい」という依頼があったり したので,今日以降のぶんには日本語でできるだけ同じ内容の文章を併記します. こんごともよろしく.

19th October (Thursday)/fine

Today's supper: Spagetti gorgonsola

I think his work is done well.

Get up at 6am. Ordinaly I go into sleeping again but I cannot do so today. Today Mr. Noda presents at research conference of the society of the infomation science.

changing my clothes to the formal style, I go out my room. At Shin-Osaka station I have a breakfast. At 9am, I take the bullet train to Shin-Yokohama Station. There are the same word "Shin" (means "new") in these two words because the bullet train is called "Shin-kansen", I think.

I take the train for about two hours and a half. In fact, The time of taking train is very dull. I have nothing to do at the time, so I listen to the music of my CDs and sleep almost.

I take some trains from Shin-Yokohama to YRP-Nobi Station, these are JR Yokohama Line, JR Keihin-Tohoku Line and Keihin Express. About an hour later, I reached YRP-Nobi Station.

Here is the place to present? No way, I take a bus to the place, named "Tsu-Ken" (means The Laboratories of Communication Technique). Hmm, there is very far from the city and there is very countrylike. There are nothing more expect of that large and recent buildings of Tsu-Ken.

I hear the word YRP means "Yokosuka Research Park". Around here, there are many intelligent buildings of some powerful companies. However, only them. There are no shops, restaurants, and stations. The workers working in their buildings must drive cars from their homes to here. Even if I work here, how can I do? (because I don't have a license of cars or motorcycles)

We reached Tsu-Ken at 1pm. I feel very long journey :).

At 3:30pm, Noda's presentation is started. He speaks a little slowly I feel but it is not bad. Almost 20min. His speech is end. Oh, good jobs.

When the conference ends, we get back to Yokosuka Station by Mr. Sawada's car, who is the man graduated from our laboratory and work at the Tsu-Ken building. We come back Yokohama Station at 7pm. I eat supper here, and get back to Osaka.

18th October (Wednesday)/cloudy

Today's supper: the lunchbox bought at a convenience store

Hmm, it is colder than yesterday.

As the alerm of my cellular phone don't work, I get up at 9:30am. The reason is that the slide switch of the phone places "the Silent Mode". I see.

When go to my laboratory, the secretery of my laboratory passes me books. She borrows some of my books and read them at the railway from/to home. The books are nice. Very old cartoons (drawn about 1978), but the story does not become old. The personalities of the characters are clearly and attractive. Recently there are some stories with not-clearly characters and not-clearly storyline. I like this one better then recent ones.

Today I have two trainings of presentation. I think they are not so bad presentations, than a year ago. Basically, it is the experience to become the presentation good. The students should make presentations more time and make experience of it. Checking my presentation is very painful, but the hard working is the power of tomorrow. Do something is better than do nothing.

Oh, Tomorrow is Mr. Noda's take of presentation. There are no more rehersal. Only courage makes your presentation success. Fight!

I play some games of mahjong, but not win nor lose. Hmm, Today Mr. Yamasaki wins very much. There's the day like that.

17th October (Tuesday)/rainy

Today's supper: none

Oops, I late at school!?

I get up at 9am. Normal Tuesday is the day of my teaching at Kinran University, but today I make my classes the rest. Then, I go to the capital hall of Toyonaka City to get some documents.

The hall is one-station far from the station near my room. So I must go there with train. Walking about 5 minutes from the station, I reached the hall. There are many people waiting for their own processes inside the hall. I write my name and address in the ordering sheet to get the sheet of identification of my living the city. It costs 200 Yen.

After that, I eat some at Ma-Ku-Do. The way back to my laboratory, I enter a bookstore. I bought "Yui the Corrector Ver.2" part 2 and 3, and the new series of "shared world novel series - the damned stalker" named "Hyakki- Yashou (means "the enomous numbers of stalkers flying") ".

I feel not good about this Hyakki-Yashou series. About" the damned stalkers", there are the horrible silence in the storylines. the latter stories lacks the silence a little, Hyakki-Yasyou fails to succession of the silensce. I'm very sad about only that point. Frankly speaking, Hyakki's storyline is the lite (and rather noisy). Moreover, I don't like to show the links of old stories so much. Only readers from old story understand these links, but any other readers may confuse reading them.

My submission is not complete. I said "I finish to write the first version of submission sinse 20th October!", but that will be fail...

Some ideas of the games hit me. Hmm, Ideas are generated by busier and busier. I may show the ideas here of the web - in far future :)

16th October (Monday)/cold

Today's supper: none

Woo, it's cold today!

Get up at 9:30am. I'm still sleepy and have a headache, however I must go to our laboratory because Mr. Fujimoto The Teacher is absent since today for next Thursday. I do his work in these days.

My headache become rather heavier. The reason of my headache is a cold I think. I slept with thin branket last night and in this morning it is very cold -- the coldest morning in this fall. Oh, I have a little fever.

3rd subject is PBL 4. they think some ideas of new function of the cellular phone. Some ideas are discussed. However, they feel difficult to make the resume of the idea and they have a hard time with making the resume. I feel they have few experiences to summarise their opinions or ideas in their school days (exclude in university). At schools in Japan they cannot learn the skills to summarise, because no one can teach them although this skills are very important at working in their life. Hmm, I'm worry...

5th subject is Mr. Noda's presentation training. His presentation is held on 19th October. More better than some days ago, but rather more abstract. the words of "useful", "ease" and so on has no mean only themselves. He must use more concretely words in order to make them feel impact.

My headache is terrible. I get back my room as I cannot put up with my headache. I'm in bed a few hours, Now I feel a little fine, so I write this diary :)

15th October (Sunday)/fine

Today's supper: omulet with chicken rice

Get up at 1pm. Still sleepy. Eating pizza, cleaning my clothes, the sunset has come. Go out to eat some foods but I feel a little dull. I sleep. Very tired today. why?

At 2am, our server is out of work. The HDD is about to be broken. Hmm, when do I change the HDD?

14th October (Saturday)/fine

Today's dinner: beef

Happy holidays!

Get up at about 11am. This is the holiday.

As Mr. anth shows us the power of grown-ups, we go eating yakiniku. However, his power become rather weaker because of the failure of a certain examination. Hmm, but the yakiniku tastes good.

The yakiniku shop named "Sakaki-ya" is all-you-can-eat style cafeteria. Of course we eat very much, but the amount of what we eat is rather less because there are not Mr. oe3... :)

After eating, We get back to Wakabasou and playing mahjong all night long. I go to bed at 4:30am. Still sleepy...

13th October (Frinday)/very good fullmoon

Today's dinner: (only a plan)drink in a bar

Many many meetings I must to join.

I get up at 8am. Oh, I think I sleep more time. After taking a shower I go to my laboratory. Before leaving, I eat the new-style potato chips, the taste of garlic. There are some fried chips of garlic in Potato Chips (which is the trademarks of Calbee).

2nd subject is the meeting of W team. Surprisingly, the professor of our laboratory is absent from the meeting although comes to the laboratory! Of course, the meeting is very mild. I'm not funny :).

Suddenly I become a student member of ACM. The energy for subscribing against the wall of the language is price down. The fee is only $38 per year for a student member. However, the member can use ACM's digital library with enomous documents, papers, proceedings and so on. The presentation and publication of the newer (and rather good) research is normally performed at the international conference. It is the power of information for research to be able to read many reports of international conferences/societies. There are many documents in our department, but it is more better that their documents can read and search on my own.

Indeed, because I can pay the cost using VISA via the Internet, I join ACM :).

I eat Kan-Shita Speccial (Not mispelling :) ), this week is the steak as I wrote before. This beef steak stiks some garlic chips. Oh, What shall I do when I eat garlic so many!?

4th subject (5th subject at a plan) is the meeting of C team. Perhaps, the reason of overeating the garlic, I have a headache. This meeting is also mild. I say "I am writing my paper submission" only.

After them, I get back my room and go danching again. Our king of Mr. Lia makes full combos of MDP steps of "NINZABURO". Aweful, he is the truly out of the mankind...

12th October (Thursday)/fine

Today's supper: little drink and sticked chicken

Wake up at 8:30am. I go to our university as usual. No changes come.

Today is the day of 3-semi, the reading circle with 3rd grade students. This holds in order to be familiar with the English documents and to learn the way of presentation. Members make presentation OHP sheets with too little letters. As I sit the edge of the room opposite to the screen showing their OHPs, I cannot read their documents near perfectly. A certain member makes only one OHP sheets for presentation. I wonder that he thinks he is the good speaker, but his speech cannot make me (and other members) understand his part. Hmm, It's good to use pictures or figures for easy understanding, but that is in vain as the explanation is not enough.

I should make the documents of "How to Presentation for Beginners", shouldn't me? :) (Of course I know I have no time to do so.)

The second day of PBL 2. Today students think and gather questions about what they want to know about laboratories in our department. As they will interview to some laboratories, the questions can be answered laboratory- specific. So I answered some not-laboratory-specific question (for instance, "How can I get Ph.D.?", "What happens if I have a large quallel with the professor of my laboratory?" and so on).

I feel the 1st grade students like them know too little information about the system of university and what their department researches. OTOH, Why do they choose this department of our university? Not a few students will make their choises by their marks in high school. I think it tends to bad direction...

After A little more working, I go to exercise with DDR4th. Today I fully combo the maniac steps of "Have You Never Been Mellow (MM Groovin' Mix)". After dancing, I go eating to a stick-chicken bar. The bar always I go is now closed for reformation, so I go another bar, with ikemo.. Eating a little and drinking some glasses of beer. Then, I get back home and go to bed immediately.

11th October (Wednesday)/very fine

Today's supper: instant noodle and rice

Wake up at 9am. It's very fine today, so I carry out my beddings and dry them. Then, I go to our laboratory.

Yet I have written my paper in English. I can write a half page of papers per day, so I can finish writing about two weeks later. The deadline is 20th November. Oh, I can write it in time for the deadline :).

I go to the post office in our university to pay some fees of telephone and gas. After, I go to the Kan-Shita cafeteria to eat branch. The special menu in this week is beef steak. Oh, I ate beef steak yesterday :( I eat special "Donburi", Donburi means something eat on the rice like curry rice. The Donburi in this week is with Kimchi and other boiled vegetable like the spinach. It tastes good, but rather thin I think.

No other works (but sometimes I check Noda's work), I get back my room. Hmm, it is unusual that I have few ideas to write diary.

10th October (Tuesday)/fine

Today's dinner: 300g beef steak at Volks the restaulant

Get up at 6:30am. It's possible to do if I do :)

I go working. Today I teach "the organization of the internet". I teach something newer, about IPv6 or that JPNIC releases the second level domain (SLD) at the new century. In the "e-"world, the changes are occured very quickly. I say the students, "It may be the false at the next year that I tell you today". So, you must study the informatics alone if you want. There are no teachers who teach the correct thing of infomatics everytime. However, The almost students didn't understood the difference between "Internet" and "brousing the web", so it's enomous difficult for me to teach them the infomatics (we think so).

My work in Kinran Univ. is done. I get back my laboratory.

5th subject is the presentation training by Mr. Noda. In this presentation, same as the documents, the strtess points of his work are so many that his presentation time, about 20min., is very short to present all he want to say. Therefore, his presentation is a little confused as short of the explanation. Hmm, hold out!.

I go to Volks restaurant for dinner because the Daiei Hawks, the team of Japanese Major Baseball, wins the penant. Volks is a member of Daiei group, so Volks hold the sale for winning. I eat 300g steak. Hmm, full.

I have a light headache. I go back my room and go to bed.

9th October (Monday/Holiday: The Sports Day)/rainy

Today's supper: Cheese fondu

I wake up at 7am. Little sleepy but I go out my home to school. Today is the day of "Imo-Ni" means the day making hotchpotch of taros. This Imo-Ni party is held every year. Today, we do the party at the meeting room of my laboratory. In truth we hold the patry at the ceiling of the building includes our laboratory, but it is rainy today (heavy rain with thunder).

Some members of our laboratory start preperation, but I do nothing preperation and play mahjong. Bad elder member, isn't it? However, I think too much members to prepare makes preparation slow, so it is good idea not to join me the preparation member :)

Different from an ordinary party, there're cheese fondu. I like cheese very much, so I sit one of the nearest seat of the fondu pot and do not move the cheese is lost. Unfortunately, When the cheese is lost, the good meals in all other pots are also lost, so I cannot eat any meals in all other pots. Hmm, It may be failuare.

After the party (the party ends very quickly, for about 2 hours we eat up all pots of meals), We play mahjong again. At first play I win almost perfectly but next play I don't join the game members, watching the players. However I am tired to watch players. I strongly think the mahjong is better playing than watching.

To exercise and to sweat, I go dancing to the game spot and play DDR4th. I cleared PARANOiA MAX (Dirty Mix) MDP, not so good score. Too speedy for me.

After a long time I get back my room :). Oops, I have classes tomorrow. I must sleep early so that I can get up early tomorrow. I go shower room, and go to bed.

8th October (Sunday)/rainy at night

Today's supper: rice with Matsutake mushroom, some meet

When I met my elder sister yesterday, No sign I felt but...

I wake up at 0pm :). My mother is busy moving. She says my elder sister bear her baby in a few days. Today's morning my sister goes into labor pains, and go hospital and waiting the time of childbirth. As the news comes too suddenly, I think I don't understand the importance of her words. In fact, I met my sister yesterday and she seemed so good that I couldn't feel the sign of childbirth.

Unwillingly, I decide to stay my home one day more. Why unwillingly? It's because I am very dull at home. In my home there are no PC so I cannot write some stories or the followings of my paper. There are many novels and comics but I have already read all of them -- moreover I have read some of them much times. It's difficult to call some of my friends because there are no games playing easily. PS and SegaSaturn is at my room (of course this "my room" is not my room in my home, my lending room near the University).

I dig out some sheets of papers -- relics of my high school age. I read them. They are beloved and a little ashame, and I feel I will not be able to write the stories better than their relics. They're the crystal of pure minds of no pain, no fear, only dream. Hmm, I spent the era like this :)

My mother go to the hospital at night. I take care of my home. After long time I read some beloved stories and some novels, I hear a telephone's bell ringing. At October 9th, 1:30am, I become an "uncle". rather little baby (I hear) but both the baby and his mother is good health.

7th October (Saturday)/cloudy

Today's supper: Japanese hotchpotch ("Nabe" in Japanese word)

I go to bed at 7am :)

I wake up at about 11:30am. I'm rather sleepy today.

After changing my clothes, I go back my home because I get some documents of taxes and write on it. At the way to my home, almost in train, I listen to some musics by my CD player. Recently I listen to the CD named "Happy Paradice", which is the nonstop and eurobeat remix of dancable music. When I hear the same music as that heard when getting out my room, I came back my home.

Today I have no more working. I eat supper and go to bet quickly.

6th October (Friday)/fine -- cloudy

Today's supper: Stew Hamburg at "Purple" GUSTO restaurant

3 successive holidays from tomorrow!

A big earthquake occured. The center of earthquake is near the Yonago city at Tottori pref. the magnitude of it is M7.3, it is roughly same as that of the previous earthquake destroyed Kobe and Awajishima island. At the Kurashiki city of Okayama pref., there lives oe3, is also shaked (level 5+). Fortunately, there are no dead at the parts of the disaster.

At that time I (and some members of our laboratory) eat lunch at the Neo-Ton cafeteria we called (the correct name is "La Fore"). On first little shaking, one of our fellows say, "Hey Mr. Kuramoto, please don't shake your leg and the table!" ... I have a habit of shaking my legs sometimes (in Japanese saying this shaking habit "shaking of the poor") However, Even if my shaking habit is too terrible, I cannot shake the entire of cafeteria :(

After lunch, I watch TV news of the earthquake at the rest room of our laboratory for a long time -- about 3 hours. After all I write the followings of the paper in English. Today I wrote two subsections of one section. Very tired... :)

Coming back to my room, I phoned Lia The Great King and join their supper. Lia and some fellow are after the regular dancing (by DDR). We go the "Purple" GUSTO at Makiochi City by hoehoe's car. They say the restaurant GUSTO has some colors. Can you understand the meaning of the "Purple"? Well, the hamburg with the beef stew like sause is good. Stew hamburg, two pieces of bread and the drinkbar (self service free drink) , they costs about 1,200 Yen (taxes in). Not so expensive. Good.

After all I don't come back. We go to Lia's room and play 3 games of mahjong. According to the BBS, my rank is 3rd, 2nd and top. When the 3rd game is over, it's 6am. Oh, I sit up all night.

5th October (Thursday)/fine

Today's supper: pizza

I forgot when I woke up today.

The 3rd subject is the seminor for the 3rd grade students. Today's class is the first presentation by Mr. Fujimoto The Teacher. There are no special points I must point out. Students coming to our lab. (of course for the seminor) seem not so bad. I wonder how the students changed while this month.

The 4th is PBL 2 that is the "Project Based Learning" class for 1st grade students. The theme of this class is "making pamphlet of our department -- infomatics and computer sciences". This pamphlet is distributed to the students of the high school who come to introduction party of our dept. I remember that the pamphlet is made by teachers of our dept. at an ordinary year. I convince that the teachers want to avoid this tired work.

At PBL, the students form some small teams -- about 7 to 8 members. Each team goes to the meeting room of each laboratory in our dept. The two of members of my laboratory's team are abesnt from PBL... I feel anxious about the future of the PBL.

the 6th (!) is the meeting of W team.Mr. Hayami seems very uneasy about the large change of the direction of his research. Indeed, W team's retrieval system (explanation: W team researches the information retrieval system on WWW like AltaVista or google) has not worked cooperative yet though each part of them works well. Prof. Hagihara, the boss of our laboratory, tell him that the first job he must do is to work his team's retrieval system cooperative. Addition, I had not known to this not working of W team's retrieval system until this time.

Mr. Kawamura is little speaker (about his action, requested by oe3). His word is little, and his work is also little I feel :). I'm a stranger of W team so that I may say lie, To inspect the amount of memory used the process of robots (robot is HTML-resource-getting system)spent a little time even if the hundred times he examines.

This is for all teams' members. You should not make the title of documents for meetings "Meeting Documents". You cannot search the specific document of a certain contents easily. When writing a report or a paper, you will search the contents of your research on your meeting documents. Then, you should make the title contents-specific name.

After all, I'm hungry. Some other members of our laboratory are also. Then, I order the derivery pizza by the Internet. I know one of convenience WWW sites about ordering some derivery foods (but this site is for people at Tokyo or at Osaka). I'm so clever for the registration of the address of our laboratory :)

4th October (Wednesday)/very fine

Today's supper: Akichan's Okonomi-yaki with cheese

She loves you (yeah yeah yeah) She loves you (yeah yeah yeah)...

I'm back now! Again I write my diary in English.

Wake up at 9:30, same as ordinary days. I go to our lab. Checking mails, and I find the mail from INTERACT 2001 chairperson. Following the message, I access INTERACT 2001 webpage, and I find the RTF format file of the paper. Hmm, I couldn't find that file yesterday. Bad timing...

Then, I begin writing my submission. From beginning, I write the abstract. According to the information on RTF file, an abstract must be up to 150 words. Rather few I feel... GoohLiieGoohLiie... two hours passed. My first version of the abstract consists 119 words. Oh, rather much I feel :).

I go eating to Kan-Shita cafeteria. Today's special lunch menu is a set of fried beef. 3 pieces fried beef and a stick fry (say in Japanese "Kushi-Katsu) with 2 kinds of sauce. I feel it's cheap for the volume of the set (530 Yen).

I buy the novel "the Loop"(by Mr. Koji Suzuki), the 3rd and final chapter of "the Ring".It's one of the most famous horror story series. Already the hard-cover style of "the Loop" have been on sale, but I wait to the normal novel style because a hard-cover style is rather expensive. My impression is "It's not so interesting that this story has a terrible mistake i think". Some days ago I wrote my impression about "the Loop" (in that time I had borrowed the hard-cover style), today's impression is the same as past day's. Of course the story itself is not changed so the impression cannot be changed. I don't write the details of the mistakes, so please seek it using your eyes and your brains.

After some works, I play the mahjong with 3 members of our lab. Today, the loser of the game must treats the supper of the winner. We play two sets, and the Results: I won twice :). So, the first loser (I don't write his name not to injure his pride) and I go to Aki-chan, the Okonomiyaki shop, and I eat full. Yes, today is the good day:);).


きょうのばんめし: たべたい…


6時起床.だらだら布団の中でまどろみながらも今日は出勤初日なので着替えて 出勤することに.千里中央のマクドで朝マクドを食う.あ,フィレオ半額じゃん. というわけで,フィレオのセットを食う.ひさしぶりに朝の飲物をコーラとかにして みるも,あんまり変化はない.あたりまえか(^^;.

後期初授業.学生の反応はまあまあ.ちょっと怒ったらすなおに聞いてくれる んで助かるわ…たぶん最初だけだけど(苦笑).私の講義を評して曰く「おもしろそう」 なんだそうだが,そんなにおもしろいことばかり続くとは限らんぞ(汗).まあ, ホームページ作るようになったら多少は楽しいかも知れないけど….

今日は講義ネタは何も話さないで終わる.ただ口うるさく言ったのは「俺が 今教えてることなんかすぐに役立たなくなるよ」てな感じのこと.情報業界って その変化速度の早さのために,モノを教えるのが凄く難しいんすよ.「高校でいまさら BASICぅぅ!?」という声があるのと同様に,昔教えるべきだったことが今や教える必要 がなくなってたり,昔のホントが今のウソになってることもしばしば.先生も勉強する 毎日です.大変だ.

大学に戻ってからしばらくはなんなりと作業していたのだが,ちょっと腹痛が するので寝てたらミーティングの時間になっていた.今日は論文のセクションだけ だったので私は言われることほとんどなし.最近 C チームに登場している学生藤本 くんが講義支援に関していろいろ考えているようだ.でもキミの考えているシステム の大半はもう我々が作ってしまったのだよ(ニヤリ).運用はまだだけど….



きょうのばんめし: いんすたんとすぱげち

To3 の仕入れにはやく行ってほしいー.

6時起床.テレビを消して寝る(こら).9時30分に起床.寝起きの瞬間に首が いたかったのだがなんでだろう.とりあえず学校へ行く.

明日はミーティングなのだが,明日は短大へ後期の初出勤.ということは資料は 今日のうちに作っておかなければならず,資料の内容はというと論文のセクション タイトル(章題,節題)を決めて報告する,というもの.しかも英語論文と D 論の ふたつ.久しぶりに英語をあれこれする.そういえば日記も英語にしなくなってから しばらく経つなぁ.明日あたりから復活させるか.何事も経験が肝心.最近は 翻訳サイトも出来たし,あれに突っ込んでちゃんと読めるようになるように心がけ よう.でもあの翻訳サイトって,ネイチブのニュースサイトとかでもまともに翻訳 できてなかったりするからあんまりよくないんだけどさ(笑).

昼終わって PBL4.な,なんじゃこの課題わ.

課題: 携帯電話(PHS なども可)を用いた新規サービスを提案,検討し, その企画を持ち込みの形で売り込み に行く

何が起こるかこう御期待(笑).もちろん,学生諸君は「こんな課題できるわけ ないだろー」と怒ってらっしゃいました.そりゃそうだわ(^^;

帰って短大の試験解答ページを作成する.こんな感じ である.もし重大なミスがあったら教えて下さい(^^;.さて明日から短大の本仕事が 開始だ.明日はまあ何も教えないけど,教える内容を今回こそノートに取って もらって,コピーしてもらおう…って俺は学生か(笑).


きょうのばんめし: ぴざ(ばんめしだったか?)

さようなら20世紀のオリンピック.あのクーベルタン先生もまさかここまで続く とは思ってなかったりしたんだろうなぁ.

ちょっと日記のスタイルをいぢってみました.え,変わってない? そーんな ことない.というわけで新規一転,今月からは本気でエンジンかけます.先月 半ばもそんなこと言ってましたが,10月にならないと夏休み気分が抜けないという サイテーな問題があるのです.で,それも今日でおしまい.オリンピックも終わった んでいい機会だったりするわけです.

でも今日は日曜日なのでゆっくりしてようということで,とりあえずマラソンを 見ながら一日を過ごす.うーん,マラソンあかんのぉ…こう,日本人って前期待を かけられるとどうしてもプレッシャーに潰されてしまうちうか,なんちうか.10km のときもそうだったし.逆に無名な奴が突然どかんと出て来たりするからオリンピック って不思議.一発勝負の恐さだわな.

ピザを頼んだのは17時ごろだったのだが,お腹がいっぱいになるほど食ったので 今日はもうこれ以上は名にも食わないことにして,ビール飲んで寝る(こら).さて, 明日からは仕事の日々だぞ.

00年9月 | 8月 | 7月 | 6月 | 5月 | 4月 | 3月 | 2月 | 1月
99年12月 | 11月 | 10月 | 9月 | 8月 | 7月 | 6月 | 5月 | 4月 | 3月 | 2月 | 1月
98年12月 | それより前 | ホームへ戻る
